Video storytelling

Small Screen Network

Our relationship with Small Screen goes all the way back to childhood. The founder is an old friend and approached us early on to provide content management and design that would support his vision of producing original, web-based video series, primarily around cocktails and food. To do that, we studied and mastered how to optimize video for web delivery, with third-party services, self-hosting, various advertising systems.

It’s a testament to the quality of their content that we often find ourselves watching and bookmarking the sample videos we were using to design pages (don’t miss this bloody mary). The latest iteration of their site resulted from a business pivot towards generating leads who want to create and produce their own series with Small Screen.

Our Roles

Work with us.

We want to work with you! Contact us if you want to improve your website and see results like Small Screen Network. Schedule an initial call right now, or send a quick note and we’ll talk soon.

Thank you for writing. We will be in touch soon.